Turtle Functions and Procedures¶
Learning Objectives:
- Introduce more turtle functions and procedures.
- Show examples using conditionals with turtles.
- Use the modulo operator to detect odd and even
- Show how to generate random numbers in Python
- Use conditionals to avoid a collision
Turtles can do more than go forward, turn left, and turn right. The table below lists turtle functions and procedures.
Name | Parameters | Description |
backward | amount | Moves the turle backward by the specified amount |
color | colorname | Sets the color for drawing. Use ‘red’, ‘black’, etc |
forward | amount | Moves the turtle forward by the specified amount |
goto | x,y | Moves the turtle to position x,y |
left | angle | Turns the turtle counter clockwise by the specified angle |
pendown | None | Puts down the turtles tail so that it draws when it moves |
penup | None | Picks up the turtles tail so that it doesn’t draw when it moves |
pensize | width | Sets the width of the pen for drawing |
right | angle | Turns the turtle clockwise by the specified angle |
setheading | angle | Turns the turtle to face the given heading. East is 0, north is 90, west is 180, and south is 270. |
shape | shapename | Should be ‘arrow’, ‘classic’, ‘turtle’, or ‘circle’ |
stamp | None | Leaves an impression of a turtle shape at the current location |
Turtle | None | Creates and returns a new turtle object |
xcor | None | Returns the x value of the turtle’s position |
ycor | None | Returns the y values of the turtle’s position |
csp-14-1-1: What procedure would you use to change the size of the line the turtle leaves when it moves?
- shape
- Use shape to set the shape used for the turtle. It doesn't affect the line that is drawn.
- xcor
- Use this function to get the x value of the turtle's position
- pensize
- This changes the width of the line that the turtle draws as it moves.
- color
- Use color to change the line color and the turtle color.
csp-14-1-2: What procedure would you use move the turtle to a given x and y position?
- stamp
- Use stamp to leave a copy of turtle shape at the current position.
- xcor
- Use xcor to get the x value of the turtle's position.
- penup
- Use penup to pick up the pen (stop drawing as you move).
- goto
- Use goto to move to the given x and y position.
Once you are comfortable with the basics of turtle graphics you can read about even more options on the Python Docs Website.