Chapter 6 Exercise Set 3: mytools¶
Assuming you have configured your development environment as described in
Configuring Debian for Python Web Development, create a Python module
in your $HOME/.local/lib/my_python
directory. Put
the following at the bottom of the module to run doctests:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest
Add each of the following functions to your module, making the doctests pass for each one.
Write a function that reverses its sequence argument, and satisfies these tests
def reverse(seq): """ >>> reverse('happy') 'yppah' >>> reverse('Python') 'nohtyP' >>> reverse('') '' >>> reverse('a') 'a' >>> reverse((4, 3, 2, 1)) (1, 2, 3, 4) """
Write a function that mirrors its argument
def mirror(seq): """ >>> mirror('good') 'gooddoog' >>> mirror('Python') 'PythonnohtyP' >>> mirror('') '' >>> mirror('a') 'aa' >>> mirror((4, 3, 2, 1)) (4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4) """
remove_element(element, seq)
Write a function that removes all occurrences of a given element from a sequence.
def remove_element(element, seq): """ >>> remove_element('a', 'apple') 'pple' >>> remove_element('a', 'banana') 'bnn' >>> remove_element('z', 'banana') 'banana' >>> remove_element('i', 'Mississippi') 'Msssspp' >>> remove_element('b', '') '' >>> remove_element(1, (1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 5)) (2, 3, 4, 5) """
Write a function that recognizes palindromes. We will extend the notion of palindrome from strings to sequences in general, calling any sequence that is the same forward and backward a “palindrome”.
def is_palindrome(seq): """ >>> is_palindrome('abba') True >>> is_palindrome('abab') False >>> is_palindrome('tenet') True >>> is_palindrome('banana') False >>> is_palindrome('straw warts') True >>> is_palindrome('a') True >>> is_palindrome('') True >>> is_palindrome((1, 2, 2, 1)) True >>> is_palindrome((1, 2, 3, 4)) False """
Use your
function to make this easy!
count_sub(sub, seq)
Write a function that counts how many times a subseq occurs in a sequence.
def count_sub(sub, seq): """ >>> count_sub('is', 'Mississippi') 2 >>> count_sub('an', 'banana') 2 >>> count_sub('ana', 'banana') 2 >>> count_sub('nana', 'banana') 1 >>> count_sub('nanan', 'banana') 0 >>> count_sub('aaa', 'aaaaaa') 4 """
find_sub(sub, seq)
Write a function that finds the index of the first occurrence of a substring inside another string. It should return
if the substring is not found.def find_sub(sub, seq): """ >>> find_sub('an', 'banana') 1 >>> find_sub('cyc', 'bicycle') 2 >>> find_sub('ud', 'apple strudel') 9 >>> find_sub('egg', 'bicycle') -1 """
remove_sub(sub, seq)
Write a function that removes the first occurrence of a substring from another string.
def remove_sub(sub, s): """ >>> remove_sub('an', 'banana') 'bana' >>> remove_sub('cyc', 'bicycle') 'bile' >>> remove_sub('iss', 'Mississippi') 'Missippi' >>> remove_sub('egg', 'bicycle') 'bicycle' """
One way to write this function would be to call
to get the index ofs
begins. Then use slicing (see Slices) to take the part before this substring and join it with the part after this substring.
remove_all_sub(sub, seq)
Write a function that removes all occurrences of a substring from another string.
def remove_all_sub(substr, s): """ >>> remove_all_sub('an', 'banana') 'ba' >>> remove_all_sub('cyc', 'bicycle') 'bile' >>> remove_all_sub('iss', 'Mississippi') 'Mippi' >>> remove_all_sub('eggs', 'bicycle') 'bicycle' """
This problem can be solved in just a few lines and a simple
loop by callingremove_sub
until no changes are made to the string.
Write a function that removes all punctuation from a given string.
def remove_punct(s): """ >>> remove_punct('This... is a "string"; it has, punctuation, yes?') 'This is a string it has punctuation yes' >>> remove_punct('') '' >>> remove_punct('no punctuation here') 'no punctuation here' >>> remove_punct('$#lots (of?^) punctuation!@# here!**') 'lots of punctuation here' """