Being able to read the values of the form fields makes it possible to write a function validInfo, which takes a form object as its argument and returns a boolean value: true when the name field is not empty and the email field contains something that looks like an e-mail address, false otherwise. Write this function.
function validInfo(form) {
return != "" &&
You did think to use a regular expression for the e-mail check, didn’t you?
Finish the form validator by giving the button’s onclick property a new value ― a function that checks the form, submits when it is valid, or pops up a warning message when it is not. It will be useful to know that form objects have a submit method that takes no parameters and submits the form.
userForm.elements.send.onclick = function() {
if (validInfo(userForm))
alert("Give us a name and a valid e-mail address!");