Introduction To Networking Lab: Find IP Addresses


  • Find out IP Addresses on your computers and other computers on the Internet

What to do

Your job is to figure out the IP address for your computer. Open up a terminal and type the command ifconfig. This gives you a lot of information about your network cards. Locate the number next to ‘inet addr’ in your ethernet card. What is the difference between your address and the address of your classmate’s computers? Can you figure out what the IP address of your server or router is? What class IP address is that?

Next you are going to use the host command to figure out some IP addresses of other computers out their on the Internet. Find the IP address for the following domains:


Can you figure out what class IP address each of those are? What happens when you type in the IP address you found for each of those into the Firefox address bar? Now you understand that domain names are just references to a machine connected to the Internet. Why do you think we use domain names then if they are just referencing something else?