Introduction To Networking Quiz: Binary, Decimal, and Hexadecimal Conversions

Quiz: Binary, Decimal, and Hexadecimal Conversions

Convert each of the following 16 bit binary integers into their decimal and hexadecimal equivalents:

  1. 0000010010111101
  2. 0000010111101100
  3. 0101110101011011
  4. 1001011011100101
  5. 1111111101111110
  6. 1001001001001010

Convert each of the following decimal integers into hexadecimal and 16 bit binary integers:

  1. 85
  2. 946
  3. 5,292
  4. 53,112
  5. 65,471
  6. 62,000

Convert each of the following hexadecimal numbers into decimal and 16 bit binary integers:

  1. 000C
  2. 0057
  3. 0CE5
  4. A560
  5. 987D
  6. F5E4