- Development Environment
- Use a unix command line interface (CLI) to manage files and
- Edit text files with vi.
- Log-on to a remote server and move files between the remote and local
machine using
and scp
- List the components of a minimal html page that passes W3C validation.
- Use http://validator.w3.org to check web pages for correct syntax.
- Interpret syntax checker error and warning messages and make
corrections accordingly.
- Correctly use the <title></title> element paired with an
<h1></h1> element at the top of the body.
- Use heading elements to label sections and subsections of a web
- Create syntactically correct ordered, unordered, and definition lists.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the difference between block level and
inline elements.
- Correctly use <pre></pre> elements for preformatted
- Use <strong></strong>, <b></b>,
<em></em>, <i></i>, <q></q>,
<code></code>, <kbd></kbd>,
<sup></sup>, and <sub></sub> elements
- Use object elements <br> and <hr> to insert line breaks and
horizontal lines.
- Use <img> elements to insert images into a web page.
- Use hyper link (<a></a>) elements with hypertext references
to create links between documents.
- Recognize and use special characters for displaying <, >, and
& for marking up html source examples.
- Use <table></table>, <tr></tr>,
<th></th>, and <td></td> elements to create
- Use the new html 5 <header></header>,
<footer></footer>, <nav></nav>, and
<section></section> elements in a semantically appropriate
- Use <form></form> elements for user input from web pages.
- CSS Concepts
- Recognize selectors, declaration blocks, declarations, and
property-value pairs in a style sheet.
- Create syntactically correct styles and validate style sheets using
the W3C CSS syntax checker.
- Apply style sheets to a web page using inline, internal
and external style sheets.
- Use <div></div> elements to create styles that act on a
section (division) of a document.
- Use the CSS list-style-type property to customize lists.
- Use
, :visted
, :hover
and :active
pseudo-classes to style hyperlink elements.
- Use group selectors to style a group of elements.
- Use class and id selectors to localize styles.
- Use decendent selectors to style elements with specified nesting.
- Use child selectors to style child elements.
- Use adjacent sibling selectors to style adjacent elements.
- Use the universal selector (
) both alone or as part of
a decendant selector.
- CSS Design
- Use
and background-color
with keyword, hexidecimal, and rgb values to color page elements containing
- Use the
property to align text elements.
- Use
, font-style
, and
properties to style text.
- Use the
property with keyword, pixel, percent,
and em values to specify text size.
- Use
, font-varient
, and
properties to alter the display of text.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the CSS box model by using
margins, borders, and padding effectively.
- Use the
property to arrange elements on a page.
- Mathematics
- Read and write numbers in hexadecimal notation.
- Use ems and percentages to set the
- Describe the effect that inheritance of the
property has on nested lists.