SQL Introduction for Python Programmers

This tutorial on SQL is meant to demonstrate the small amount of know-how you need to write effective database programs. By looking at any SQL reference book, it is obvious that there is vastly more to the subject than what is presented here. But in several years of programming with SQL and Python I've found that about 98% of what I do is in the following pages.

We will be using PostgreSQL and Python together. At work I use Sybase for the database server but for most readers open source PostgreSQL is much more affordable and still very powerful. Another open source option that you can explore is MySQL.

Servers and Clients

Relational database systems are client/server systems. In PostgreSQL the server is called the postmaster and does all the actual interaction with the data itself. Clients are programs that make requests to the server to either read or modify the database. This approach allows several clients to simultaneously access the data with the server doing all the necessary synchronization.

There are two types of client we'll look at. One is the program psql that comes with the PostgreSQL system and lets us examine and modify data easily interactively, similar to the Python interactive mode. The other type of client is a Python program you write that imports the pg module to do the same kind of interactions that psql does but retrieve the result in Python data structures.

Nature of the data

In thinking about databases it is useful to consider some analogies, although they should not be taken too literally.

The server may access many databases but a client will operate on only one at a time. Think of a database as a directory in your file system. Tables in the database are something like files in the directory. Tables consist of rows and columns and you may think of them as spreadsheets. Each column has a name and can hold a particular type of data such as an integer, a floating point number, or a string. Each relational database system has its own set of datatypes. PostgreSQL has about 40. But the datatypes you'll use over and over again are numbers (ints and floats), strings, and dates.

It is important to realize at the start what columns cannot hold. You can't put a Python list or dictionary into a column, as lovely as that would be. Later we will see how we can join tables together to achieve this kind of versatility with our data.

Tables can also have indexes which maintain the data in sorted order and serve 3 main purposes. One is to make accessing data much faster. If the client requests a certain row from a table by a data value in one or more or its columns, the server will not have to read (perhaps) the entire table to find the row in question if the table is indexed by that set of columns. Instead the row is found by bouncing around a much smaller (and sorted) index. Secondly, indexes let us processes a set of rows in the sorted order. Finally, indexes are necessary if we want to guarentee that each row has a unique value in a column (or set of columns). We'll go into indexes in more detail later.

Using psql with postmaster

First make sure the server (postmaster) is running. If you are on a multiuser system a system administrator may be responsible for this and has also created a database for your use, or perhaps to share with others.

I'm using Linux on a standalone system so I will start the postmaster (from the postgres login) in local mode (just my machine) and create a test database. We'll use a dedicated window to run postmaster. The "$" is the shell prompt

$ postmaster -i localhost

Messages from postmaster will appear the in this window.

Next, logged in another window as user postgres, I'll create a fresh database called school to play with. Then I'll activate the psql client attaching it to my database school. We're now ready to add and manipulate tables in school. The program psql issues the prompt school=#, showing which database it has open.

$ createdb school
$ psql school

Operations on Tables

Tables are created by giving them a name and a set of columns. Each column in turn needs a name and a datatype. Here is a simple example.

school=# create table course (number int, name varchar(24), credits int);

Here we have created a simple table with information about courses. We are using a column for the course number, another for its name, and one for the number of credits. The name is defined as varchar (variable length character string) which is like a Python string except that this one has a maximum length of 24. The course number and credits are stored as integers.

The opposite operation of create table is drop table. You may think of drop as "delete" or, if you are unix fan, "rm".

school=# drop table course;

Once a table is created, clients do mostly four things with them. Insert a new row, delete a row, update column values in a new row and finally select rows (read).

Inserting rows into a table

Inserting rows can be done in 2 ways. The simplest is to list the column values in the same order as the columns were defined when created. For example

school=# insert into course values (3, 'Computer Programming', 1);

Another way is to first list the column names followed by values.

school=# insert into student (id,name) values (411, 'Bayartsogt, Gombo');

This method is handy if some columns have default values or can take a null value (think Python None). These columns and their values may be omitted from the insert statment. You can check your reference book on how to expand the create table statement to specify defaults with columns.

Deleting rows from a table

Deleting rows from a table is as simple as identifying them. For example.

school=# delete from course where number=120

The clause where number=120 specifies a single row, at least with what we have in the table so far. But if there were two rows in the table with this number, both would be deleted. In fact, the where clause may be omitted in which case all rows in the table are deleted. So delete from course empties the course table.

Actually, where clauses are a lot like boolean expressions in Python, i.e. what you find after keywords like if and while. But there are some differences you'll want to remember. In SQL you use a single = to test for equality instead of ==. And where you would find variable names in Python SQL requires column names. But and's and or's are allowed and you're free to use parantheses as you would expect. One thing to watch out for in postgreSQL is that you must use single quotes for strings. Double quotes are used for another purpose.

One common practice that is quite different is pattern matching with string data. Exact matching is simply name='Algebra II' but the phrase name like 'Algebra%' would match any string starting with <q>Algebra</q>. The % character is the wildcard character for SQL's like operator. With Python these kind of matches generally require the re (regular expression) module.

Where clauses are probably the most complex and powerful part of SQL. They are used with update and select statements just as they are with delete. We'll see several examples as we go along.

Updating rows in a table

Updating columns in a table is straightforward. A where clause identifies the row (or rows) to update. The set clause identifies the columns and their new values.

school=# update student set name='George' where id=411;

You can modify a single column, several columns or even all columns depending on your where clause (or lack of one). You may also update several columns in a single update statement. Just separate "name=value"(s) with commas.

Selecting rows from a table

The select statement is the most interesting and the one you will use most often, probably 90% of the time. Here is a simple example which select all columns (*) from all rows (no where clause) from the table course.

school=# select * from course;
 number |         name         | credits
    101 | Algebra I            |       5
    201 | Algebra II           |       5
    150 | World History        |       2
    301 | Calculus             |       5
    314 | Computer Programming |       4
    204 | Spanish II           |       3
(6 rows)

Adding a where clause lets us control how much we get back

school=# select * from course where name like 'Algebra%';
 number |    name    | credits
    101 | Algebra I  |       5
    201 | Algebra II |       5
(2 rows)

The "*" above indicates all columns. If only some are wanted you specify them by name.

school=# select number,credits from course where credits > 4;
 number | credits
    101 |       5
    201 |       5
    301 |       5
(3 rows)

Beyond the basics

Now that you've seen the four basic operations on tables it's time to extract from multiple tables. Relational databases are so named because tables are related to each other by common values. To illustrate this we need to create a couple more tables; one for students and one for teachers. To make this easier we put the necessary sql into two files, teachers.sql and students.sql . Take a look at these. They're pretty bare-boned with each student and teacher having simply a name and an id number. Id numbers are necessary to distinguish duplicate names. In practice the id numbers for people are often social security numbers. Id numbers are also great for joining tables together as we'll see.

We can load these files with psql redirecting stdin to the files. The contents of the files simply replace what you would type.

$ psql school < teachers.sql
$ psql school < students.sql
$ psql school
school=# select * from teacher;
  id  |     name
 1001 | Elkner, Jeff
 1002 | Meyers, Chris
 1003 | Downey, Allen
(3 rows)

school=# select * from student;
 id  |   name
 411 | Bayartsogt, Gombo
 412 | McMahon, John
 413 | Kern, Owen
 414 | Cohen, Jonah
(4 rows)

Let's talk about relationships between rows in different tables. They fall into 3 categories; one to one, one to many, and many to many.

An example of a one-to-one relationship might be a parking space assigned to a teacher. One parking space; one teacher. The easiest way to make this relationship in our database is to make the parking space number a column in the teacher table. If, perhaps, more information about parking spaces were required, we could have a separate table for parking spaces. The parking space number in both tables would tie the teacher to the extra information in the parking table.

An example of a one-to-many relationship might be teachers to courses. We'll assume each course is taught by a single teacher but that each teacher may teach several courses. In a Python program we might have a object class of teacher with an attribute of courses, a list containing the course numbers. But remember that we can't store lists in a database. What we do instead is have a column in the course table that contains a single teacher id. We'll see in a bit how this solves the problem.

Finally an example of a many-to-many relationship might be students and courses. Each course has many students and students take many courses. Representing this kind of relationship requires an extra table that ties students and courses together. We'll call this table "enrolled" and it will have a row for each combination of student and course.

school=# create table enrolled (studentId int, courseId int);

If we have 3 students each taking 4 courses, our table would have 12 rows (3*4).

Working with multiple tables

Let's drop the tables and reload them from these files; teachers.sql , courses.sql , students.sql and enrolled.sql .

$ psql school < teachers.sql
$ psql school < students.sql
$ psql school < courses.sql
$ psql school < enrolled.sql

Now things get a little more interesting. We can use the relations between the tables to make more complex queries.

Let's list all courses taught by teacher 1001

$ psql school
school=# select name,teacherId from course where teacherId=1001;
         name         | teacherid
 World History        |      1001
 Computer Programming |      1001
(2 rows)

But suppose we want to list the teacher's name instead of their id. To do this we need to join the course and teacher tables. Our first attempt will be

school=# select course.name, teacher.name from course,teacher;

Because both tables have a column called name the columns need to be qualified by their table names; thus, course.name and teacher.name. There is still a problem, however. If you try the above query you'll get 18 rows; 3 teachers times 6 courses. That's what happens when tables are joined. To trim our answers to what we want we need to add a simple where clause.

school=# select course.name, teacher.name from course,teacher
school-#   where teacher.id=teacherId;
         name         |     name
 World History        | Elkner, Jeff
 Computer Programming | Elkner, Jeff
 Algebra II           | Meyers, Chris
 Calculus             | Meyers, Chris
 Algebra I            | Downey, Allen
 Spanish II           | Downey, Allen

There was no need to qualify the column name teacherId since it is unambiguous

We can also sort the output with an order clause. Order clauses always come after where clauses. For example

school=# select course.name, teacher.name from course,teacher
school-#   where teacher.id=teacherId
school-#   order by course.name;
         name         |     name
 Algebra I            | Downey, Allen
 Algebra II           | Meyers, Chris
 Calculus             | Meyers, Chris
 Computer Programming | Elkner, Jeff
 Spanish II           | Downey, Allen
 World History        | Elkner, Jeff
(6 rows)

Finally, we'll join 3 tables to show students enrolled in each class. We'll order first by course name and then by student name.

school-#select  course.name,student.name from enrolled,student
school-#  where course.number=enrolled.courseNumber
school-#  and   student.id   =enrolled.studentId
school-#  order by course.name, student.name;

         name         |   name
 Algebra I            | McMahon, John
 Algebra II           | Bayartsogt, Gombo
 Calculus             | McMahon, John
 Computer Programming | Bayartsogt, Gombo
 Computer Programming | McMahon, John
 Computer Programming | Kern, Owen
 Computer Programming | Cohen, Jonah
 Spanish II           | Kern, Owen
 Spanish II           | Cohen, Jonah
 World History        | Bayartsogt, Gombo
(10 rows)

The Python connection

Importing the module pg into a Python program gives us the same access to the postmaster server that we have with psql.

Let's play with the pg module in the interactive mode. The first thing we must do in our program is to establish a connection to a database. Here is an example. (>>> is Python's prompt)

>>> import pg
>>> conn = pg.connect(dbname="school", host="localhost", user="postgres")

Remember that the postmaster server is running on our local machine with the -i localhost switch. If your situation is different then you would specify the actual computer in the host parameter.

With a database connection we can perform querys just like with psql. Let's do one.

>>> result = conn.query("select * from course")
>>> print result
number|name                |credits|teacherid
   101|Algebra I           |      5|     1003
   201|Algebra II          |      5|     1002
   150|World History       |      2|     1001
   301|Calculus            |      5|     1002
   314|Computer Programming|      4|     1001
   204|Spanish II          |      3|     1003
(6 rows)

Now, this is nice but we will want to manipulate the results of the query, not just print them in this somewhat hokey table format. Happily, result is an object with attributes and methods that let us access the data as Python values. In fact its __str__ method produces the output above. One of the most useful methods is dictresult which returns a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents a row.

>>> print result.dictresult()
[{'number': 101, 'name': 'Algebra I', 'credits': 5, 'teacherid': 1003},
{'number': 201, 'name': 'Algebra II', 'credits': 5, 'teacherid': 1002},
{'number': 150, 'name': 'World History', 'credits': 2, 'teacherid': 1001},
{'number': 301, 'name': 'Calculus', 'credits': 5, 'teacherid': 1002},
{'number': 314, 'name': 'Computer Programming','credits': 4, 'teacherid': 1001},
{'number': 204, 'name': 'Spanish II', 'credits': 3, 'teacherid': 1003}]

I massaged the line endings a bit to make it more clear. Each key/value pair in each dictionary represents a column name and value. In the small programs to come we'll use this method for making a report.

Now lets consider joining two tables.

>>> cmd = """select course.name,teacher.name from course,teacher
...           where teacher.id=course.teacherId order by course.name"""
>>> result = conn.query(cmd)
>>> print result
name                |name
Algebra I           |Downey, Allen
Algebra II          |Meyers, Chris
Calculus            |Meyers, Chris
Computer Programming|Elkner, Jeff
Spanish II          |Downey, Allen
World History       |Elkner, Jeff
(6 rows)

>>> print result.dictresult()
[{'name': 'Downey, Allen'}, {'name': 'Meyers, Chris'},
{'name': 'Meyers, Chris'}, {'name': 'Elkner, Jeff'},
{'name': 'Downey, Allen'}, {'name': 'Elkner, Jeff'}]

Oops! Notice that our dictionaries only have the teacher names and not the course names. This is because both tables use the same column name name. To get around this we need to apply an alias to one of the column names. In this case we choose to give teacher.name the alias tname.

>>> cmd = """select course.name,teacher.name as tname from course,teacher
... where teacher.id=course.teacherId order by course.name"""
>>> result = conn.query(cmd)
>>> print result.dictresult()
[{'name': 'Algebra I', 'tname': 'Downey, Allen'},
{'name': 'Algebra II', 'tname': 'Meyers, Chris'},
{'name': 'Calculus', 'tname': 'Meyers, Chris'},
{'name': 'Computer Programming', 'tname': 'Elkner, Jeff'},
{'name': 'Spanish II', 'tname': 'Downey, Allen'},
{'name': 'World History', 'tname': 'Elkner, Jeff'}]

There is another way besides dictresult() to get at the data. Two methods are used; one returns a tuple of the field names and the other a list of tuples with the column values.

>>> print result.listfields()
('name', 'tname')
>>> print result.getresult()
[('Algebra I', 'Downey, Allen'),
('Algebra II', 'Meyers, Chris'),
('Calculus', 'Meyers, Chris'),
('Computer Programming', 'Elkner, Jeff'),
('Spanish II', 'Downey, Allen'),
('World History', 'Elkner, Jeff')]

This method probably runs somewhat faster, but programs using dictionaries are more readable (IMHO) since the column names appear in the expressions.

A little report program

Now we are going to write two versions of a tiny report program that lists teachers alphabetically and under each one another alphabetical list of the courses they teach. These programs will demonstrate two different ways to accomplish the same goal. A bit later we'll discuss when one method might be more efficient than the other.

#!/usr/bin/env python
#       Simple report of classes taught by each teacher
import pg

db = pg.connect(dbname="school", host="localhost", user="postgres")

def main () :
    result = db.query("select * from teacher order by name")
    trows = result.dictresult()
    for trow in trows :
        tId = trow['id']
        print "%s" % trow['name']
        query ="select * from course where teacherId=%d order by name"
        result = db.query(query % tId)
        crows = result.dictresult()
        for crow in crows :
            print "  %s" % crow['name']  # Name of course

    if __name__ == "__main__" : main()

In the program above we first select rows from the teacher table. Then for each teacher we select the course taught. The output looks like this

Downey, Allen
Algebra I
Spanish II
Elkner, Jeff
Computer Programming
World History
Meyers, Chris
Algebra II

The second program below takes a different approach. A single select joins the teacher and course table together. A single for loop processes the results. A little extra logic is needed when the teacher changes. But the result is the same.

#!/usr/bin/env python
#    Simple report of classes taught by each teacher
import pg

cmd = """
select teacher.name as tname, course.name as cname
from teacher, course
where teacher.id = course.teacherId
order by teacher.name, course.name"""

db = pg.connect(dbname="school", host="localhost", user="postgres")

def main () :
    curTeacher = None
    result = db.query(cmd)
    rows = result.dictresult()
    for row in rows :
        if row['tname'] != curTeacher :
            curTeacher = row['tname']
            print "%s" % curTeacher
        print "  %s" % row['cname']  # Name of course

if __name__ == "__main__" : main()

So when is one method better than the other? In an example this small there is virtually no difference. However if we had 500 teachers the first method would require 501 querys; the second still only one. The second is apt to perform much faster. However, if queries get too complex, generally by joining too many large tables together, the time required for the server to process them can unexpectedly explode. The reasons for this are not terribly clear. But the solution is to use the first method or a combination of the two where you balance minimizing the number of queries and their complexity. It sometimes takes some experimentation to find the best answer in each situation.

The query method will actually take any SQL statement. So you can use it to update and delete rows as well as insert rows. When used for these purposes no result object is returned.

school=# db.query("update teacher set name='Gardner, Martin' where id=401")

Using tables with indexes

Indexes make searching for rows in a table very fast. You, the user, simply tell the server to create an index for a given column (or combination of columns) and the server takes care of updating the index as new rows are inserted, deleted, or updated. You never have to tell the server to use an index. It figures that out from your query.

To create an index you can issue a simple command from psql. It is uncommon to create indexes from Python since it is generally a one-time activity.

school=# create index inxTeacherName on teacher (name);

Indexes are given a name (here inxTeacherName), a table to index and one or more columns to build the index from. To remove an index you drop it.

school=# drop index inxTeacherName;

By using the keyword unique the server will prohibit the insertion of a row where the index key is already present. The following pair of indexes on the enrolled table make searching both ways (students by course, or courses by student) very fast and also guarentee that no student is enrolled in the same course twice.

school=# create unique index inxEnrolled1 on enrolled (studentId,courseNum);
school=# create unique index inxEnrolled2 on enrolled (courseNum,studentId);

One caveat with using indexes. They can get fragmented with lots of insertions, in a manner similar to disk fragmentation when you add lots of new files. The solution for this is to periodically drop and re-create the index. You'll know when it's time when searches start getting slower and slower.

Copyright © 2003-2015 Chris Meyers
