

When you’ve finished working through this worksheet, you’ll have a version of another classic arcade game.

What you need to know

  • The basics of Python from Sheet 1 (Introducing Python) and Sheet 2 (Turning the Tables).

  • Functions from Sheet 3 (Pretty Pictures); you might want to look at Sheet F (Functions) too.

  • Lists from Sheet A (Lists in Python).

  • Classes and Objects from Sheet O (Objects and Classes).

You will need to look over these sheets before you start. If you get stuck, you can always ask for help.

What is Chomp?

First, we’ll describe the game of Chomp. No doubt some of the details described here are different from the original Pac-Man game, but the result is still an enjoyable game.

The game takes place in a maze filled with little bits of food. Our champion, Chomp, is yellow, round and very hungry. The object of the game is to guide Chomp round the walls of the maze to eat all the bits of food which are lying around.

Easy! you may think, but Chomp’s task is made harder by the brightly colored ghosts which haunt the maze, drifting aimlessly about, and Chomp will faint from fright if he ever bumps into one of those. When this happens, Chomp and all the ghosts return to their starting positions.

If this happens too many times — three times in fact — the fright will be too much for Chomp and he will die.

The only form of defence Chomp has against the ghosts is a capsule, which gives Chomp power to send the ghosts back to where they came from. When a capsule is consumed, all the ghosts turn white, and if Chomp captures a ghost which is white, he earns points, and the ghost then returns to its original starting position and color. After this has happened, Chomp is again powerless against that ghost.

After a while, however, the power of the capsule begins to wear off and the ghosts will start showing their original color, switching rapidly between their color and white as they do so. While this is happening, Chomp can still safely capture the ghosts. Then, when the power of the capsule wears off completely, all the ghosts return to their original colors, and again, Chomp is powerless against them.

When Chomp completes the task of eating all the food which has been left in the maze, he quickly moves on to another level which is in some way harder than the last. Perhaps the ghosts move faster, or there are more of them, or they start trying to find Chomp in the maze to give him the fright of his life.

Not only does Chomp have to avoid the ghosts, but he must also move quickly because there is only a limited time available for him to collect the food. When Chomp completes a level he is rewarded with points for the time which is left remaining.

The traditional maze also had a tunnel passing from one side of the screen to the other. Anything which entered the tunnel on one side of the screen would appear on the other side.

How the grid works

The grid is made up of imaginary vertical and horizontal lines, which we’ll call grid lines, that make up squares. The places where vertical grid lines cross horizontal grid lines, we’ll call grid points. Walls will lie along grid lines, and Chomp and the ghosts will travel along grid lines. The food and capsules will sit on grid points.

Each grid point is identified by a pair of numbers: Its row number and its column number. It will also have its coordinates on the screen. we’ll call the first pair of numbers grid coordinates and the second pair screen coordinates.

Things on the screen

The kinds of objects which take part in the game are: Maze, Chomp, Food, Walls, Ghosts and Capsules. Some of these, Chomp and Ghosts, can move, but not through walls - we’ll call these movables. Others, Walls, Food and Capsules, never move. We’re going to define a class for each of these kinds of object. You may like to skim-read this section and refer back to it later.

The Maze class

The Maze contains all the other objects in a grid of squares. It’s main job is to keep track of where all the objects are. It will deal with two types of object: those that do and those that don’t. Movable objects will ask the Maze about walls which might be in the way. Chomp will keep telling the Maze where he is, and the Maze will check for collisions with other objects.

The Immovable class

This class is a superclass for objects which are stationary. When one of these objects is created it is expected to draw itself on the screen. The Maze object will keep a note of which object is at each location.

The Wall class

Walls are pretty boring. They don’t move. They don’t do anything. They just sit there on the screen, stopping movables from passing. They are a kind of Immovable because they don’t move. The walls lie along grid lines, but it turns out to be easier if we have a Wall object at each grid point which the wall passes through. If a Wall object is next to another Wall object, we will draw a line on the screen between them.

The Food class

These are a kind of Immovable. When eaten, they tell the Maze object that there is one less bit of Food to collect.

The Capsule class

These are also a kind of Immovable. When eaten, they tell the Maze that all the Ghost objects should turn white. The Maze then tells each Ghost to turn white.

The Movable class

These can move about the maze, but they need to check that there aren’t any walls in the way. We’re only going to allow movables to travel along grid lines. The Maze will keep telling the movables to move, but what happens then depends on which kind of Movable it is.

The Chomp class

Our hero! Chomp is a kind of Movable, which moves when the player holds a key down. Chomp will keep telling the Maze where he is, and the Maze will check for things he might have bumped into.

The Ghost class

A Ghost is also a kind of Movable. They don’t interact with anything except Wall objects and Chomp. Each Ghost will keep travelling in the same direction until it reaches a grid point. Then it will decide on a new direction to travel in.

The first working program

It’s always satisfying to get something working early on, even if it can’t be played. We’ll start with a simplified version of the game which is missing most of the features. Having done that, we can add things to it until it does everything we want it to. We’ll eventually go through the following steps:

  • Make a Maze with just Walls,

  • Add Chomp,

  • Add Food,

  • Add the Ghosts,

  • Add the Capsules.

After each of these steps we’ll have a working program and at the end, we’ll have a playable game. There will still be things we can do to improve it after that.

An outline of the program

The main program is simple.

from gasp import *                # As usual

# ...                             Class definitions go here

the_maze = Maze()                 # Make Maze object

while not the_maze.finished():    # Keep playing until we're done

the_maze.done()                   # We're finished

Don’t type the lines which start # .... They are just there to indicate that something else belongs there.

The basic outline is that we make the Maze, play until we’re finished and then stop. Of course this code won’t work yet because we haven’t defined the Maze class, but we’ll never need to change it because all we need is the right definition of the Maze class. All we will do is put some definitions after the first line.

colors and sizes

It is often useful to have definitions of things you might want to change at the top of your program. When you decide you’d like a green Chomp and tiny graphics, you can just make a couple of changes at the top of the program and it’s done. We’ll start with a few things and add to them later. Since these are meant to be global constants, the Python convention is to name them with all capital letters.

GRID_SIZE = 30                     # This sets size of everything
MARGIN = GRID_SIZE                 # How much space to leave round edge

BACKGROUND_COLOR = color.BLACK     # Colors we use
WALL_COLOR = '#99E5E5'             # gasp uses HTML colors

The Maze layout

One of the first challenges is to tell the computer what the Maze looks like in a way that is easy for both the computer and you to understand. One good solution to this is to have a list of strings with one string for each row (horizontal grid line) of the maze, and one character in the string for each grid point along the row.

Different characters will have different meanings; we’ll have G for Ghost and so on. We’ll put all of the objects into the layout now, so that we don’t have to change it. We’ll then write the program so that anything it doesn’t recognise is just ignored. We think it’s best if we show you.

# The shape of the maze.  Each character
# represents a different type of object
#   % - Wall
#   . - Food
#   o - Capsule
#   G - Ghost
#   P - Chomp
# Other characters are ignored

the_layout = [
  "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%",     # There are 31 '%'s in this line
  "%...%.%%%.%.%%% %%%.%.%%%.%...%",
  "%.%%%.......%GG GG%.......%%%.%",

You’ll need a layout like this in your program. If you like, you can make changes to it later, but stick with this one for now. Put it immediately above the main body of the program.

The first few lines (which begin with ‘#’) are comment lines which means that Python ignores them when it sees them. They are just there for people to read.

It will be useful to have a reminder in the program for what the different characters mean. Writing comments in your programs is a very good thing because it will help you to understand your program when you come back to it and it is almost impossible to have too many.

Looking at the section of program above, you can see what the maze is going to look like. The computer has an easy job as well. To find out what character is on row Y in column X, we just say the_layout[max_y - Y][X].

If you were expecting the_layout[Y][X], consider the top line: This will have the highest row number, max_y, but it is entry 0 in the list. Every time we add 1 to the row number, we must subtract 1 from the entry number, so the row number and entry number always add up to max_y.

The Maze class

The Maze class will keep Movable objects separate from those which don’t move. It will keep those which move in a list and it will go through the list every time it wants to find one.

This wouldn’t be very efficient for the objects which don’t move because the list would be very long. There are over 200 bits of food scattered around the maze and going round each one to ask “Are you touching Chomp?” would take a long time. If you pointed at each dot in the layout and said, “Are you touching Chomp?”, you’d get bored pretty quickly.

For the Movable objects it’s a different matter. There are only 5 of them in total and going round each of them in turn won’t take long at all.

To keep track of the stationary objects we will have a list for each row in the maze, with an entry for each grid point, which will contain the object at that point. We will keep these lists in yet another list.

Let me say that another way. There is a list for the Maze which contains a list for each row in the Maze which contains an object for each grid point in the row.

The aim here is to be able to easily answer the question: What is at the grid point in row Y and column X? . To answer this question, we first find the list for the row, and then find the object in that list for the column. In Python this looks like map[Y][X].

There are several things the Maze class will need to do. The first is to build the map from the layout we defined earlier. In the process, it will bring up a window on the screen and create objects that will draw into it. Each character in the layout will have an object associated with it.

class Maze:
    def __init__(self):
        self.have_window = False        # We haven't made window yet
        self.game_over = False          # Game isn't over yet
        self.set_layout(the_layout)     # Make all objects
        set_speed(20)                   # Set loop rate to 20 loops per second

We have 2 variables in the Maze object. The first tells us if we’ve called begin_graphics yet. The second tells us when to stop playing the game. The final thing we do is to call the set_layout method which we’ve not yet defined. Having a set_layout method will be useful if we decide to have another level with a different maze layout.

Now we’ll define the set_layout method. It works out the size of the layout, makes a map of the maze and adds all the objects from the layout definition into the map.

class Maze:                                   # This should already be in your program
    # ...                                     # Other definitions will be here

    def set_layout(self, layout):
        height = len(layout)                   # Length of list
        width = len(layout[0])                 # Length of first string
        self.make_window(width, height)
        self.make_map(width, height)           # Start new map

        max_y = height - 1
        for x in range(width):                 # Go through whole layout
            for y in range(height):
                char = layout[max_y - y][x]    # See discussion 1 page ago
                self.make_object((x, y), char) # Create object

The first line works out the height of the layout. The len function is a function which is supplied by Python. If the len function is given a list it will return the number of items in the list.

Our layout list has an item — string in this case — for each row of the maze. The second line works out the width of the layout. If the len function is given a string, it will return the number of characters in the string.

We count the number of characters in the first line of the layout to give the width of the maze. Working out the size of the maze in this way means that we can have different layouts of different sizes.

The Maze class is also responsible for creating the window and managing the size of things. The make_window method makes sure the window is large enough to contain the maze.

class Maze:                                    # This should already be in your program
    # ...                                      # Other definitions will be here

    def make_window(self, width, height):
        grid_width = (width-1) * GRID_SIZE     # Work out size of window
        grid_height = (height-1) * GRID_SIZE
        screen_width = 2*MARGIN + grid_width
        screen_height = 2*MARGIN + grid_height
        begin_graphics(screen_width,           # Create window

Working out the size of the window needs a little explanation. The number of grid points across the maze is width, but the grid points don’t really take up any space. The space is taken up by the gap between the grid points and the number of these is one less than the number of points. If there were three points, there would only be two gaps. One between points 1 and 2, and one between points 2 and 3.

The values of grid_width and grid_height use width-1 and height-1 because that is the number of gaps between grid points that there are. There is a MARGIN between the edge of the screen and the first grid point on all 4 sides of the screen.

We’ll be using a method for converting from grid coordinates to screen coordinates. The game will operate in grid coordinates, but whenever something needs drawing on the screen we’ll need to know the screen coordinates.

class Maze:                          # This should already be in your program
    # ...                            # Other definitions will be here

    def to_screen(self, point):
        (x, y) = point
        x = x*GRID_SIZE + MARGIN     # Work out coordinates of point
        y = y*GRID_SIZE + MARGIN     # on screen
        return (x, y)

We’ve now got 2 more methods to define. The first is make_map which will create an empty map of the maze, but one thing we haven’t yet considered is: What do we put in the map for an empty grid point?

One of the best things to put in an empty map entry is an object that represents an empty grid point. This may seem quite odd at first, to have something to represent nothing, but it makes writing the program a lot easier. You don’t have to keep checking to see if the grid point you’re dealing with is empty before doing something with object. Each grid point has an object, so you can safely use it. Empty points will have an object in the Nothing class. [Actually the number 0 and the word nothing both represent nothing. We’re just doing the same thing here.]

A useful thing to know is that if you find you’ve got a bunch of objects in a list somewhere, they’ve probably got something in common. Otherwise why did you put them in the same list? If two different kinds of object have something in common, they should often have the same superclass. This is particularly the case if they are in the same list, because you can make sure that all the objects in the list have a particular method by putting it in the superclass.

You’ll see how we do this later with the is_a_wall method. The superclass in this case is the Immovable class.

class Immovable:
    pass                                   # We have nothing to put in this class yet

class Nothing(Immovable):

class Maze:                                # This should already be in your program
    # ...                                  # Other definitions will be here

    def make_map(self, width, height):
        self.width = width                 # Store size of layout
        self.height = height = []                      # Start with empty list
        for y in range(height):
            new_row = []                   # Make new row list
            for x in range(width):
                new_row.append(Nothing())  # Add entry to list
         # Put row in map

We will now make a start on the make_object method. This will check the character from the layout and create an object of the right class if it knows how. For the moment, we’ll only check for the wall character which is % . If it is a wall, it creates a Wall object and puts it into the map.

class Maze:                                     # This should already be in your program
    # ...                                       # Other definitions will be here

    def make_object(self, point, character):
        (x, y) = point
        if character == '%':                    # Is it a wall?
  [y][x] = Wall(self, point)

We’re nearly finished with the Maze class. What we need now are definitions of finished, play and done methods. We arrange for the maze to appear on the screen until the window is closed.

class Maze:                          # This should already be in your program
    # ...                            # Other definitions will be here

    def finished(self):
        return self.game_over        # Stop if game is over

    def play(self):
        update_when('next_tick')     # Just pass time at loop rate

    def done(self):
        end_graphics()               # We've finished = []                # Forget all objects

The Wall class

Now we define the Wall class. The __init__ method will be called with 2 extra parameters which are the Maze object and the grid coordinates. Remember, the first parameter is always the object which is being created.

Since this is the first version of the program, we’re going to simplify things a little and just draw a filled circle at each Wall object.

class Wall(Immovable):
    def __init__(self, maze, point): = point                          # Store our position
        self.screen_point = maze.to_screen(point)
        self.maze = maze                            # Keep hold of Maze

    def draw(self):
        (screen_x, screen_y) = self.screen_point
        dot_size = GRID_SIZE * 0.2
        # Just draw circle
        Circle(self.screen_point, dot_size, color=WALL_COLOR, filled=True)

Trying it out

And that’s it. If you’ve typed in all of the program sections above, you should have the first working program. When you run it, you should a graphics window that looks like this:

Chomp illustration 0

Try it out! Show your friends! It’s not very impressive yet, but it does something. When you have finished looking at the maze, close the window and the program will finish — rather ungracefully, but never mind about that.

Challenge 1

Design two different maze layouts and get them to load with the program.

Making nicer walls

Now we’ve got a working program, we can begin on our improvement campaign. We’ve got a maze, but it doesn’t look very nice. We’ll start by making the maze look a bit nicer, by drawing lines between the circles. You can either leave the circles in, or take them out.

Consider two Wall objects next to each other. Somehow we need to draw a line between them. The question now is: How does a Wall object know that it’s next to another Wall object? If you look back at the make_object method you’ll see that as soon as the Wall object has been created, it is put into the map of the Maze.

When a Wall object gets created we’ll have it ask the Maze about the surrounding grid points and when it finds a Wall object, it will draw a line between them. We’ll never draw a line twice because it’s always up to the Wall object which was created later to draw the line.

So far the Maze has a map which tells it what object is at each grid point. We need to know about this from the Wall class, so we need to add a method to the Maze class so we can ask it what is the object at this point? . One thing this will need to check for is the possibility of someone asking about a point which is outside our map. In this case, we’ll return an Nothing object. Without further ado, here it is:

class Maze:                                   # This should already be in your program.
    # ...                                     # Other definitions will be here.

    def object_at(self, point):
        (x, y) = point

        if y < 0 or y >= self.height:         # If point is outside maze,
            return Nothing()                  # return nothing.

        if x < 0 or x >= self.width:
            return Nothing()


Since there are self.height rows in the maze and they are numbered from zero, there is no row with a number self.height or higher. Similarly for columns.

So far, the only objects that can be at a grid point are: A Wall object or a Nothing object. When a new Wall object gets created it will want to know if the object next door is another Wall object. The simplest approach is to ask it. We’ll arrange for all the objects which have Immovable as a superclass to have a method called is_a_wall which returns True if the object is a Wall object, and False otherwise.

Looking ahead, we’ll see that the answer for most objects will want this method to return false, but a the Wall object will want to return true. Being lazy, we only want to write a method called is_a_wall which returns False, once. The way to do this is to put this method in the Immovable class, and override it in the Wall class.

When we come to write the Food class we can just make it a subclass of Immovable and not bother about having to write the is_a_wall method and other methods we put in the Immovable class.

class Immovable:                    # This should already be in your program.
    def is_a_wall(self):
        return False                # Most objects aren't walls so say no

class Wall(Immovable):              # This should already be in your program.
    # ...                           # Other definitions will be here.

    def is_a_wall(self):
        return True                 # This object is a wall, so say yes

We’re now in a position for a Wall object to check for neighboring Wall objects. We’ll invent the method check_neighbor that will look at one of the neighbors and draw a line between them if it’s another wall.

class Wall(Immovable):                           # This should already be in your program.
    # ...                                        # Other definitions will be here.

    def draw(self):
        dot_size = GRID_SIZE * 0.2               # You can remove...
        Circle(self.screen_point, dot_size,      # ...these three lines...
               color = WALL_COLOR, filled = 1)   # ...if you like.
        (x, y) =
        # Make list of our neighbors.
        neighbors = [(x + 1, y), (x - 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x, y - 1)]
        # Check each neighbor in turn.
        for neighbor in neighbors:

    # ...                                        # Other definitions will be here.

The check_neighbor method will ask the Maze for an object and then ask that object if it’s a wall or not.

class Wall(Immovable):                               # This should already be in your program
    # ...                                            # Other definitions will be here

    def check_neighbor(self, neighbor):
        maze = self.maze
        object = maze.object_at(neighbor)            # Get object

        if object.is_a_wall():                       # Is it a wall?
            here = self.screen_point                 # Draw line from here...
            there = maze.to_screen(neighbor)         # ... to there if it is
            Line(here, there, color=WALL_COLOR, thickness=2)

You should now be able to try the program and see the nicer maze:

Chomp illustration 1

Next we’ll add Chomp.

Introducing Chomp

Chomp is our first moving object. Lets have a look at what Chomp needs to do. We’ll arrange for the Maze class to call the move method on all the Movables on a regular basis. When this gets called we need to check which keys are pressed and if a direction key is pressed, try to move in that direction. Chomp is only allowed to follow grid lines, so if the he’s not on grid line which lies in that direction, we’ll move him to move towards it. If Chomp is on a grid line which is in the right direction, we move him along it unless he’s about to hit a wall.

We’ll start with the Movable class. All the initializer will do is make a note of the Maze object, set the current position to the point passed in, and remember the speed.

class Movable:
    def __init__(self, maze, point, speed):
        self.maze = maze                      # For finding other objects = point                    # Our current position
        self.speed = speed                    # Remember speed

Next, we’ll start the Chomp class. We’ll start with the move method. This is fairly straightforward. We just check each key in turn and if it’s pressed, move in that direction. We’ll invent methods like move_left to make things easier.

class Chomp(Movable):
    def __init__(self, maze, point):
        Movable.__init__(self, maze, point,  # Just call the Movable initializer

    def move(self):
        keys = keys_pressed()
        if   'left' in keys: self.move_left()   # Is left arrow pressed?
        elif 'right' in keys: self.move_right() # Is right arrow pressed?
        elif 'up' in keys: self.move_up()       # Is up arrow pressed?
        elif 'down' in keys: self.move_down()   # Is down arrow pressed?

The bit which says Movable.__init__ is the way to get at the __init__ method in the Movable class. Because we haven’t yet told it which object to use, we have to pass the object in as the first parameter.

Now that we’ve invented the 4 movement methods, we’re going to have to write them. We’ll invent another method called try_move which takes an amount to add to the X coordinate and an amount to add to the Y coordinate, and tries to move Chomp to the new place. To move one grid point to the right, the numbers would be (1, 0). To move one grid point down it would be (0, -1). The pair of numbers to add to the coordinates is called a vector.

class Chomp(Movable):             # This should already be in your program.
    # ...                         # Other definitions will be here.

    def move_left(self):
        self.try_move((-1, 0))

    def move_right(self):
        self.try_move((1, 0))

    def move_up(self):
        self.try_move((0, 1))

    def move_down(self):
        self.try_move((0, -1))

Now it’s down to the try_move method to figure out what needs to happen. It will first move Chomp towards the nearest grid line if he’s not already on one. It will then move him along it if there isn’t a wall in the way.

One of the important things about movables — like Chomp — is that they aren’t always at grid points. When asking the Maze about fixed objects like Food and Walls, it always needs to be given a grid point, and not some point between grid points. In other words, the coordinates given must be whole numbers. The best we can do is to find the nearest grid point to where we want.

We’ll pretend for the moment that we’ve solved this problem and have a method called nearest_grid_point, which returns the nearest point to the current position of the Movable, but we must remember to write it later.

We’ll also invent methods called furthest_move and move_by.

The first will take a vector to move by — which must be no larger than 1 grid unit — as a parameter and will return a vector which is how much we can move by without hitting a wall or going too fast. In effect, it answers the question: Is it possible to move in this direction? If so, how far? . If the movement passed as a parameter is OK, it will just return that. If we would hit a wall by going that far, it will return the movement that is possible before we hit the wall. If going that far would mean moving too fast, it will return a suitably adjusted vector. If we’re right next to the wall and trying to move towards it, it will return (0, 0) to indicate that we can’t move in that direction at all.

The move_by method will actually move Chomp and just takes a vector as a parameter. It assumes that the vector has already been checked by furthest_move.

class Chomp(Movable):                                 # This should already be in your program.
    # ...                                             # Other definitions will be here.

    def try_move(self, move):
        (move_x, move_y) = move
        (current_x, current_y) =
        (nearest_x, nearest_y) = (self.nearest_grid_point())

        if self.furthest_move(move) == (0, 0):         # If we can't move, do nothing.

        if move_x != 0 and current_y != nearest_y:     # If we're moving horizontally
            move_x = 0                                 # but aren't on grid line
            move_y = nearest_y - current_y             # move towards grid line

        elif move_y != 0 and current_x != nearest_x:   # If we're moving vertically
            move_y = 0                                 # but aren't on grid line
            move_x = nearest_x - current_x             # Move towards grid line

        move = self.furthest_move((move_x, move_y))    # Don't go too far
        self.move_by(move)                             # Make move

After we’ve figured out that we can move, we make sure we’re on a grid line in the direction we’re trying to move. If the player tries to move right and they aren’t on a horizontal grid line, we’ll move them up or down until they are. This is so that the player doesn’t have to line Chomp up exactly with a gap in a wall in order to go through. In this case move_x will not be zero and current_y will not be nearest_y, so we will set move_y to the distance to the nearest horizontal grid line. Instead of trying to move in the direction the player indicates, we move towards the nearest horizontal grid line. The same thing happens for vertical grid lines.

Next we will deal with the furthest_move method. For this, we just work out where the next grid point we are going to encounter is and ask the Maze if there is a wall there. It also limits the step according to the speed of the object. As before we will use a vector to describe where we’re going. We will want to use this method for Ghosts as well, so we’ll put it in the Movable class so that it can be shared.

class Movable:                                           # This should already be in your program.
    # ...                                                # Other definitions will be here.

    def furthest_move(self, movement):
        (move_x, move_y) = movement                      # How far to move
        (current_x, current_y) =              # Where are we now?
        nearest = self.nearest_grid_point()              # Where's nearest grid point?
        (nearest_x, nearest_y) = nearest
        maze = self.maze

        if move_x > 0:                                   # Are we moving towards a wall on right?
            next_point = (nearest_x+1, nearest_y)
            if maze.object_at(next_point).is_a_wall():
                if current_x+move_x > nearest_x:         # Are we close enough?
                    move_x = nearest_x - current_x       # Stop just before it

        elif move_x < 0:                                 # Are we moving towards a wall on left?
            next_point = (nearest_x-1, nearest_y)
            if maze.object_at(next_point).is_a_wall():
                if current_x+move_x < nearest_x:         # Are we close enough?
                    move_x = nearest_x - current_x       # Stop just before it

        if move_y > 0:                                   # Are we moving towards a wall above us?
            next_point = (nearest_x, nearest_y+1)
            if maze.object_at(next_point).is_a_wall():
                if current_y+move_y > nearest_y:         # Are we close enough?
                    move_y = nearest_y - current_y       # Stop just before it

        elif move_y < 0:                                 # Are we moving towards a wall below us?
            next_point = (nearest_x, nearest_y-1)
            if maze.object_at(next_point).is_a_wall():
                if current_y+move_y < nearest_y:         # Are we close enough?
                    move_y = nearest_y - current_y       # Stop just before it

        if move_x > self.speed:                          # Don't move further than our speed allows
            move_x = self.speed
        elif move_x < -self.speed:
            move_x = -self.speed

        if move_y > self.speed:
            move_y = self.speed
        elif move_y < -self.speed:
            move_y = -self.speed

        return (move_x, move_y)

Next comes the nearest_grid_point method we promised. It takes the current coordinates and returns the nearest grid point. That is, it returns the nearest point which has whole numbers (or integers) as its coordinates. The way to find the nearest whole number to a number x is to say int(x+0.5). Armed with this knowledge our job is quite easy.

class Movable:                             # This should already be in your program.
    # ...                                  # Other definitions will be here.

    def nearest_grid_point(self):
        (current_x, current_y) =
        grid_x = int(current_x + 0.5)        # Find nearest vertical grid line
        grid_y = int(current_y + 0.5)        # Find nearest horizontal grid line
        return (grid_x, grid_y)              # Return where they cross

Now we need to tell the computer how to draw Chomp on the screen. So far the only method involved is the move_by method. This will move Chomp on the screen, but so far there isn’t anything to put Chomp on the screen in the first place. We’ll write a method called draw to do this.

CHOMP_COLOR = color.YELLOW                   # Put these at top of your program
CHOMP_SIZE = GRID_SIZE * 0.8                 # How big to make Chomp
CHOMP_SPEED = 0.25                           # How fast Chomp moves

# ...                                        # Other classes will be here

class Chomp(Movable):                        # This should already be in your program
    def __init__(self, maze, point):
        self.direction = 0                   # Start off facing right
        Movable.__init__(self, maze, point,  # Call Movable initializer

    # ...                                    # Other definitions will be here

    def draw(self):
        maze = self.maze
        screen_point = maze.to_screen(
        angle = self.get_angle()                     # Work out half of mouth angle
        endpoints = (self.direction + angle,         # Rotate according to direction
                     self.direction + 360 - angle)
        self.body = Arc(screen_point, CHOMP_SIZE,    # Draw sector
                        endpoints[0], endpoints[1],
                        filled=True, color=CHOMP_COLOR)

    def get_angle(self):
        (x, y) =                                   # Work out distance
        (nearest_x, nearest_y) = (self.nearest_grid_point())  # to nearest grid point
        distance = (abs(x-nearest_x) + abs(y-nearest_y))      # Between -1/2 and 1/2
        return 1 + 90*distance                                # Between 1 and 46

The abs function takes a number and returns its absolute size. If the number is positive it just returns the number. If a number n is negative, abs(n) is the same as -n.

The move_by method is a little tricky. It works out where Chomp is moving to, draws a new body on the screen and then removes the old body. Doing things this way means that when we create the new body, we can make it a different shape from the old one — the mouth is wider, for example. It also means that there is always a body on the screen so you don’t catch a glimpse of the background when the old body is removed.

class Chomp(Movable):             # This should already be in your program
    # ...                         # Other definitions will be here

    def move_by(self, move):
        old_body = self.body          # Get old body for removal
        self.draw()                   # Make new body
        remove_from_screen(old_body)  # Remove old body

    def update_position(self, move):
        (old_x, old_y) =                     # Get old coordinates
        (move_x, move_y) = move                         # Unpack vector
        (new_x, new_y) = (old_x+move_x, old_y+move_y)   # Get new coordinates = (new_x, new_y)                     # Update coordinates

        if move_x > 0:                   # If we're moving right ...
            self.direction = 0           # ... turn to face right.
        elif move_y > 0:                 # If we're moving up ...
            self.direction = 90          # ... turn to face up.
        elif move_x < 0:                 # If we're moving left ...
            self.direction = 180         # ... turn to face left.
        elif move_y < 0:                 # If we're moving down ...
            self.direction = 270         # ... turn to face down.

As you can see we’ve also defined a method called update_position, which updates the coordinates and points Chomp in the direction in which he’s moving.

Plumbing it in

Next we need to arrange for Chomp’s move method to be called on a regular basis. In fact all the Ghosts will want this as well, so there are lots of objects which want their move methods called. We’ll keep these objects in a list called movables in the Maze object, so that the Maze can call them in its play method.

First we’ll change the make_object method in the Maze class so that when it finds a letter P in the layout, it creates a Chomp object.

class Maze:                            # This should already be in your program
    # ...                              # Other definitions will be here

    def make_object(self, point, character):
        (x, y) = point
        if character == '%':                         # Is it a wall?
  [y][x] = Wall(self, point)
        elif character == 'P':                       # Is it Chomp?
            chomp = Chomp(self, point)

    # ...                              # Other definitions will be here

We also need to change the set_layout method in the Maze class to create a list of movables, so that make_object can put Movable objects in it. This goes in set_layout because whenever we want to change the layout, we want to start off with a clean sheet and not have Ghosts hanging about from the previous one.

When all of the objects have been created it also goes through the list and asks each one to draw itself on the screen. This happens after the stationary objects have been drawn, so that the Ghosts appear on top of all the Food, not on top of the Food which was created before them and below the Food which was created afterwards.

class Maze:                              # This should already be in your program
    # ...                                # Other definitions will be here

    def set_layout(self, layout):
        height = len(layout)             # This is as before
        width = len(layout[0])
        self.make_window(width, height)
        self.make_map(width, height)
        self.movables = []               # Start with no Movables

        max_y = height - 1
        for x in range(width):           # Make objects as before
            for y in range(height):
                char = layout[max_y - y][x]
                self.make_object((x, y), char)

        for movable in self.movables:    # Draw all movables

    # ...                                # Other definitions will be here

    def done(self):
        end_graphics()                   # We've finished = []                    # Forget all stationary objects
        self.movables = []               # Forget all moving objects

    # ...                                # Other definitions will be here

Now we can change the Maze’s play method to call the move method on each of the movables and then wait a short period of time.

class Maze:                               # This should already be in your program
    # ...                                 # Other definitions will be here

    def play(self):
        for movable in self.movables:     # Move each object
        update_when('next_tick')          # Pause before next loop

You can try your program again and you will see something like this.

Chomp illustration 2

Guide Chomp round the maze. Try moving through walls. Does it feel natural?

Food, glorious food!

The life-cycle of a Food object is as follows. It gets created and draws itself on the screen. The Maze puts the Food object in its map, so that when Chomp arrives at that grid point the food can be consumed. When this happens, Chomp tells the Food that it’s been eaten and the Food object removes its image from the screen. It then tells the Maze to remove it from the map. When all the Food has been eaten, Chomp has completed his mission. The simplest way of finding out when this happens if for the Maze to keep a count of the number of Food objects there are.

We’ll start by modifying make_object to create Food. It needs to keep a count of the number of Food objects, so we’ll have to start with a count of zero. Again, this goes in the set_layout method because if we change layout, we will remove all the Food objects first.

class Maze:                          # This should already be in your program
    # ...                            # Other definitions will be here

    def set_layout(self, layout):
        height = len(layout)             # This is as before
        width = len(layout[0])
        self.make_window(width, height)
        self.make_map(width, height)
        self.movables = []
        self.food_count = 0              # Start with no Food

        max_y = height - 1               # Make the objects as before
        for x in range(width):
            for y in range(height):
                char = layout[max_y - y][x]
                self.make_object((x, y), char)

        for movable in self.movables:

Then every time a Food object is created we need to add 1 to the count.

class Maze:                            # This should already be in your program
    # ...                              # Other definitions will be here

    def make_object(self, point, character):
        (x, y) = point                               # As before...
        if character == '%':
  [y][x] = Wall(self, point)
        elif character == 'P':
            chomp = Chomp(self, point)
        elif character == '.':
            self.food_count = self.food_count + 1    # Add 1 to count
  [y][x] = Food(self, point)       # Put new object in map

Now we can write the Food class. We’ll start by defining what happens when it’s created: It gets drawn on the screen.

class Food(Immovable):
    def __init__(self, maze, point): = point
        self.screen_point = maze.to_screen(point)
        self.maze = maze

We need to define the draw method to actually draw the food on the screen.

FOOD_COLOR = color.RED               # Put this at the top of your program
FOOD_SIZE = GRID_SIZE * 0.15         # How big to make food

# ...                                # Other definitions will be here

class Food(Immovable):               # This should already be in your program
    # ...                            # Other definitions will be here

    def draw(self): = Circle(self.screen_point,

Now, we need to arrange for the food to get eaten at the right time. The way we will do this is to make Chomp call a method called eat on the Immovable at a grid point when he gets close enough. It is then up to the object to do the right thing. We’ll put a default method in the Immovable class which does nothing, so that nothing happens when Chomp tries to eat empty space. This is just telling Python that we really want nothing to happen and haven’t forgotten about what should happen. We’ll then override that method in the Food class. It may be useful to know who’s doing the eating, so we will pass Chomp as a parameter.

class Immovable:                   # This should already be in your program
    # ...                          # Other definitions will be here

    def eat(self, chomp):          # Default eat method
        pass                       # Do nothing

In the Food class we want this method to remove the Food from the screen and the Maze. To tell the Maze that some food needs removing, we’ll invent a method called remove_food.

class Food(Immovable):             # This should already be in your program
    # ...                          # Other definitions will be here

    def eat(self, chomp):
        remove_from_screen(           # Remove dot from screen
        self.maze.remove_food(      # Tell Maze

We now need to write the remove_food method in the Maze class. When there is no food left, Chomp wins.

class Maze:                        # This should already be in your program
    # ...                          # Other definitions will be here

    def remove_food(self, place):
        (x, y) = place[y][x] = Nothing()             # Make map entry empty
        self.food_count = self.food_count - 1  # There is 1 less bit of Food
        if self.food_count == 0:               # If there is no food left...
                           #... Chomp wins

    def win(self):
        print "You win!"
        self.game_over = True

So far, nothing is going to call the eat method. We need Chomp to do this, when he gets close enough. We’ll do this in the move_by method. For this purpose close enough means 3/4 of the distance Chomp moves each time round the main loop, on either side of the grid point.

class Chomp(Movable):                # This should already be in your program
    # ...                             # Other definitions will be here

    def move_by(self, move):
        self.update_position(move)    # As before...
        old_body = self.body

        (x, y) =                        # Get distance to
        nearest_point = self.nearest_grid_point()  # nearest grid point
        (nearest_x, nearest_y) = nearest_point
        distance = (abs(x-nearest_x) +             # As before

        if distance < self.speed * 3/4:            # Are we close enough to eat?
            object = self.maze.object_at(nearest_point)
                           # If so, eat it

If you try the program now, you’ll see that the game is starting to take shape.

Chomp illustration 3

There’s no challenge to it yet. That comes next.


A Ghost is another Movable object. The first thing we’ll do is add it to Maze’s make_object method.

class Maze:                          # This should already be in your program
    # ...                            # Other definitions will be here

    def make_object(self, point, character): # You should also have this
        # ...                                # Checks for other characters go here as before
        elif character == 'G':                       # Is it a Ghost?
            ghost = Ghost(self, point)               # Make new Ghost
            self.movables.append(ghost)              # Add it to list of Movables

The Ghosts need to wander through the maze at random. There are many ways to do this. The way we will do it is for each Ghost to choose a neighboring grid point and move towards it. When it reaches that point, it will make another choice. It may take several calls of the move method to reach the next grid point, so the Ghost will have to remember which point it decided to move towards. We’ll call this next_point. Our choice of next point will depend on the direction the Ghost was travelling, so we will need to store that as well.

Now we’ll start the Ghost class itself. The first thing we need is an initializer. It takes the Maze and the starting grid point as an argument, and it will need to call the initializer in the Movable. We sneakily set the next_point to be the starting point, so that the Ghost will immediately choose to go somewhere else. The initializer also picks a color from the list of ghost colors and sets the color variable in the Ghost object. When the ghost is draw, it will get this color.

GHOST_COLORS = [color.RED,             # A list of all Ghost colors
                color.GREEN,           # Put this at the top with the
                color.BLUE,            # other constants

GHOST_SPEED = 0.25                      # How fast Ghosts move

class Ghost(Movable):
    num = 0

    def __init__(self, maze, start):
        Ghost.num += 1                  # Tell Python to make Ghost.num
                                        # variable bigger by 1
        self.next_point = start         # Don't move anywhere to start with
        self.movement = (0, 0)          # We were going nowhere

        self.color = GHOST_COLORS[Ghost.num % 4]   # Pick a color from list

        Movable.__init__(self, maze,    # Just call Movable's initializer
                         start, GHOST_SPEED)

The next thing that’s going to happen is that the Maze will call the Ghost’s draw method, so we need to write that. We need to tell the computer what a ghost looks like. We do this by giving a list of coordinates of points for the computer to join up.

GHOST_SHAPE = [          # Place at top with other constants
    (0, -0.5),
    (0.25, -0.75),       # Coordinates which define Ghost's shape
    (0.5, -0.5),         # measured grid units
    (0.75, -0.75),
    (0.75, 0.5),
    (0.5, 0.75),
    (-0.5, 0.75),
    (-0.75, 0.5),
    (-0.75, -0.75),
    (-0.5, -0.5),
    (-0.25, -0.75 )

class Ghost(Movable):       # This should already be in your program
    # ...                   # Other definitions will be here

    def draw(self):
        maze = self.maze
        (screen_x, screen_y) = (
            maze.to_screen(    # Get our screen coordinates
        coords = []                        # Build up a list of coordinates
        for (x, y) in GHOST_SHAPE:
            coords.append((x*GRID_SIZE + screen_x,
                           y*GRID_SIZE + screen_y))

        self.body = Polygon(coords, color=self.color,  # Draw body

Making them move

Next we need to make the Ghosts move. To do this, we first try to move towards next_point, and if we’re getting nowhere, choose another point to move towards.

class Ghost(Movable):            # This should already be in your program
    # ...                        # Other definitions will be here

    def move(self):
        (current_x, current_y) =  # Get vector to next point
        (next_x, next_y) = self.next_point
        move = (next_x - current_x,
                next_y - current_y)
        move = self.furthest_move(move)      # See how far we can go
        if move == (0, 0):                   # If we're getting nowhere...
            move = self.choose_move()        #... try another direction
        self.move_by(move)                   # Make our move

Now we need to decide how to choose the next grid point to move towards. If we allow the Ghost to reverse its direction too easily, it usually won’t get very far. For this reason, we’ll check all the directions we could move in which wouldn’t cause us to switch into reverse, and then choose one at random. Only as a last resort do we consider turning round. For this we define a method called can_move_by which returns true if the given move is possible.

As we saw back in Turning the Tables, to get a random number from Python, we need to include:

from random import randint

at the top of our program. We can then use randint for our random number.

class Ghost(Movable):       # This should already be in your program
    # ...                   # Other definitions will be here

    def choose_move(self):
        (move_x, move_y) = self.movement                # Direction we were going
        (nearest_x, nearest_y) = (self.nearest_grid_point())
        possible_moves = []

        if move_x >= 0 and self.can_move_by((1, 0)):    # Can we move right?
            possible_moves.append((1, 0))

        if move_x <= 0 and self.can_move_by((-1, 0)):   # Can we move left?
            possible_moves.append((-1, 0))

        if move_y >= 0 and self.can_move_by((0, 1)):    # Can we move up?
            possible_moves.append((0, 1))

        if move_y <= 0 and self.can_move_by((0, -1)):   # Can we move down?
            possible_moves.append((0, -1))

        if len(possible_moves) != 0:                    # Is there anywhere to go?
            choice = randint(0,len(possible_moves)-1)   # Pick random direction
            move = possible_moves[choice]
            (move_x, move_y) = move
            move_x = -move_x                            # Turn round as last resort
            move_y = -move_y
            move = (move_x, move_y)

        (x, y) =
        self.next_point = (x+move_x, y+move_y)          # Set next point

        self.movement = move                            # Store this move for next time
        return self.furthest_move(move)                 # Return move

    def can_move_by(self, move):
        move = self.furthest_move(move)     # How far can we move in this direction?
        return move != (0, 0)               # Can we actually go anywhere?

We now need to define the move_by method which is called by the move method. This just takes a movement vector as a parameter, and moves the Ghost that far.

class Ghost(Movable):                 # This should already be in your program
    # ...                             # Other definitions will be here

    def move_by(self, move):
        (old_x, old_y) =                   # Get old coordinates
        (move_x, move_y) = move                       # Unpack vector

        (new_x, new_y) = (old_x+move_x, old_y+move_y) # Get new coordinates = (new_x, new_y)                   # Update coordinates

        screen_move = (move_x * GRID_SIZE,
                       move_y * GRID_SIZE)
        move_by(self.body, screen_move[0],screen_move[1])   # Move body on the screen

You can now play the game!

Chomp illustration 4

OK, so the computer doesn’t notice if you hit a Ghost and there are no Capsules yet, but you can still have fun trying to avoid the ghosts.

Collision detection.

We now need to find out when Chomp bumps into a Ghost. The way we will do this is for Chomp to tell the Maze where he is and for the Maze to pass this on to all the Movables. It is then up to the object to do the checking. If Chomp stands still, we still need to do the checking, so we need to do it in the move method.

class Chomp(Movable):            # This should already be in your program
    # ...                        # Other definitions will be here

    def move(self):
        keys = keys_pressed()                   # Check keys as before
        if   'left' in keys: self.move_left()
        elif 'right' in keys: self.move_right()
        elif 'up' in keys: self.move_up()
        elif 'down' in keys: self.move_down()
        self.maze.chomp_is(self,    # Tell Maze where we are

The Maze simply passes this on to each Movable.

class Maze:                      # This should already be in your program
    # ...                        # Other definitions will be here

    def chomp_is(self, chomp, point):
        for movable in self.movables:             # Go through Movables
            movable.chomp_is(chomp, point)        # Pass message on to each

Because Chomp is a Movable, he will also get the message. We don’t want to know if Chomp collides with himself — whatever that means — so we just ignore that.

class Chomp(Movable):            # This should already be in your program
    # ...                        # Other definitions will be here

    def chomp_is(self, chomp, point):
        pass                                   # Chomp knows where Chomp is

We do want to know when Chomp bumps into a Ghost though. We’ll write a simple but adequate detection method. We’ll say that Chomp and the Ghost have collided when their centres are less than 1.6 grid units apart. Since Chomp is 0.8 grid units from his middle to his outer, and so is the Ghost, if they are placed side by side their centre will be 1.6 grid units apart. Chomp can sometime overlap the Ghost a little before it triggers, but we could put that down to a lucky escape. We’ll invent a method called bump_into which we’ll call when the Ghost bumps into Chomp.

Before writing the method, we need to do a little maths. The question is: how do we know when the two centre points are 1.6 grid units apart? This was answered by a man called Pythagoras a few thousand years ago. He said that if the distance between two points horizontally is X, the distance vertically is Y, and the distance between the points is D then X*X + Y*Y = D*D (or words to that effect in ancient Greek).

If the distance D is less than 1.6 grid units then D*D will be less than 1.6*1.6 grid units squared, but according to Pythagoras D*D is the same as X*X + Y*Y which we can work out.

class Ghost(Movable):              # This should already be in your program
    # ...                          # Other definitions will be here

    def chomp_is(self, chomp, point):
        (my_x, my_y) =
        (his_x, his_y) = point
        X = my_x - his_x
        Y = my_y - his_y
        DxD = X*X + Y*Y
        limit = 1.6*1.6
        if DxD < limit:

Now we need to decide what happens when the Ghost and Chomp collide. For the moment, we just want Chomp to lose, so we’ll call the lose method on the Maze.

class Maze:                       # This should already be in your program
    # ...                         # Other definitions will be here

    def lose(self):
        print "You lose!"
        self.game_over = True

# ...                                  # Other classes will be here

class Ghost(Movable):                  # This should already be in your program
    # ...                              # Other definitions will be here

    def bump_into(self, chomp):

Try the new program out. Try out bumping into Ghosts, to check that the collision detection works.


The next thing we’re going to do is add the capsules which allow Chomp to capture the ghosts. These are going to be objects which sit in the Maze until Chomp eats them, just like the Food. The first thing we’ll do is change the make_object method in the Maze class to recognise the letter o in the layout and create a Capsule object when it finds one.

class Maze:                                          # This should already be in your program
    # ...                                            # Other definitions will be here

    def make_object(self, point, character):         # You should also have this
        # ...                                        # Checks for other characters go here as before
        elif character == 'o':                       # Is it a Capsule?
  [y][x] = Capsule(self, point)    # Put new Capsule in map

Now we’ll need to write the Capsule class. To start with this will look a bit like the Food class. First we need to tell the computer how to initialize a Capsule object.

class Capsule(Immovable):
    def __init__(self, maze, point): = point
        self.screen_point = maze.to_screen(point)
        self.maze = maze

Now we need to describe how to draw it on the screen. For this we’ll just draw a circle on the screen.

CAPSULE_COLOR = color.WHITE           # Put these at top of your program
CAPSULE_SIZE = GRID_SIZE * 0.3        # How big to make capsules

class Capsule(Immovable):             # This should already be in your program
    # ...                             # Other definitions will be here

    def draw(self):
        (screen_x, screen_y) = self.screen_point = Circle((screen_x, screen_y),

If you try the game now, you’ll see the capsules on the screen, but Chomp just ignores them when he walks over them. What’s happening here? Chomp is calling the eat method on the Capsule and Python is finding the eat method in the Immovable class, so nothing happens. To make Chomp eat the Capsule, we need to write an eat method in the Capsule class telling the computer how Chomp should eat capsules.

class Capsule(Immovable):        # This should already be in your program
    # ...                        # Other definitions will be here

    def eat(self, chomp):
        remove_from_screen(          # Remove dot from screen
        self.maze.remove_capsule(  # Tell Maze to scare ghosts

The eat method works in a similar way to the eat method in Food class. The difference is that instead of calling the remove_food method on the Maze object, we call the remove_capsule method. This method will need to remove the Capsule from the map and tell all the ghosts to turn white.

class Maze:                     # This should already be in your program
    # ...                       #  Other definitions will be here

    def remove_capsule(self, place):
        (x, y) = place[y][x] = Nothing()      # Make map entry empty
        for movable in self.movables:   # Tell all Movables that a capsule
            movable.capsule_eaten()     # has been eaten

We don’t have a list of all the Ghost objects anywhere, but we do have a list of all the Movable objects. We simply tell all the movables that a capsule has been eaten. Only some of the movables (the ghosts) will want to know, so we’ll write a default method in the Movable class to do nothing. Anything that doesn’t want to know about capsules being eaten (Chomp) won’t need to do anything special.

class Movable:               # This should already be in your program
    # ...                    # Other definitions will be here

    def capsule_eaten(self):        # Called when a Capsule has been eaten
        pass                        # Normally, do nothing

You may think that we could have written this in the Chomp class, and that is true. That would mean that if we invented another type of Movable object, we would have to write a capsule_eaten method for it even if it didn’t want to know capsules being eaten. Now, we need to override the capsule_eaten method in the Ghost class. This is going to make the Ghost change color for a while. We can do this by changing the color variable.

After a while the ghost will need to change back to its original color, so we will need to know two things. We will need to know how long we have left before the original color returns, and also what the original color was. We will store these two values in variables called time_left and original_color. When the ghost isn’t scared, we will store the value 0 in time_left, so that we know. We need to set the values of both of these variables in the initializer. The change_color method will remove the old body from the screen, set the color variable and draw a new body. We’ll invent a redraw method to remove the old body.

# Put these at the top of your program
SCARED_COLOR = color.WHITE     # Color ghosts turn when Chomp eats a capsule
SCARED_TIME = 300              # How long Ghosts stay scared

class Ghost(Movable):                        # This should already be in your program
    num = 0

    def __init__(self, maze, start):         # As should this
        Ghost.num += 1

        self.next_point = start
        self.movement = (0, 0)

        self.color = GHOST_COLORS[Ghost.num % 4]

        self.original_color = self.color     # Store original color
        self.time_left = 0                   # We're not scared yet

        Movable.__init__(self, maze,         # As before
                         start, ghost_speed)

    # ...                                    # Other definitions will be here

    def capsule_eaten(self):
        self.change_color(SCARED_COLOR)      # Change to scared color
        self.time_left = SCARED_TIME

    def change_color(self, new_color):
        self.color = new_color               # Change color
        self.redraw()                        # Recreate the body

Here, we’ve invented a change_color method to change the ghost’s color. By setting the time_left variable, we’ll remember that we’re scared and that we should change the color back later. We now need to define the redraw method.

class Ghost(Movable):           # This should already be in your program
    # ...                       # Other definitions will be here

    def redraw(self):
        old_body = self.body

As we did in the move_by method in the Chomp class, we first draw a new body and then remove the old body to avoid catching a glimpse of the background.

At this stage we have managed to change the colors of the Ghosts. We now need to make them change back again after a while. Just before they are about to change to their original color, they need to flicker between white and their original color. We will update the time_left variable within the move method of the Ghost class.

WARNING_TIME = 50                    # Put this at the top of your program

# ...                                # Other classes will be here

class Ghost(Movable):                # This should already be in your program
    # ...                            # Other definitions will be here

    def move(self):
        (current_x, current_y) =  # As before
        (next_x, next_y) = self.next_point
        move = (next_x - current_x,
                next_y - current_y)
        move = self.furthest_move(move)
        if move == (0, 0):
            move = self.choose_move()
        if self.time_left > 0:               # Are we scared?
            self.update_scared()             # Update time and color

    def update_scared(self):
        self.time_left = self.time_left - 1  # Decrease time left
        time_left = self.time_left
        if time_left < WARNING_TIME:         # Are we flashing?
            if time_left % 2 == 0:           # Is ``time_left`` even?
                color = self.original_color  # Return to our old color
                 color = SCARED_COLOR        # Go the scared color
            self.change_color(color)         # Actually change color

    # ...                            # Other definitions will be here

If time_left is zero, we do nothing special. Otherwise, every time move gets called we subtract one from time_left. When time_left drops below warning time, we start flashing the ghost. When this is happening, we change the color of the ghost on every call to move. When time_left is even, we return to our original color, and when it’s odd we change to the scared color. A new thing here is the use of n % 2 to check if a number is even. The % means the remainder when divided by . All even numbers have no remainder when divided by 2 and all odd numbers have a remainder of 1 when divided by 2. When time_left reaches zero, the ghost will return to its original color because zero is even.

The last thing we need to do is to allow Chomp to capture the ghost when time_left is zero. In other words we need to change what happens when we bump_into Chomp.

class Ghost(Movable):           # This should already be in your program
    # ...                       # Other definitions will be here

    def bump_into(self, chomp):       # This should also be in your program
        if self.time_left != 0:       # Are we scared?
            self.captured(chomp)      # We've been captured
            self.maze.lose()          # Otherwise we lose as before

We have invented a method called captured which we call when we’re scared and we bump into Chomp. This should send the Ghost back to its starting position. If follows that we need to know what the starting position is.

class Movable:                             # This should already be in your program
    def __init__(self, maze, point, speed):
        self.maze = maze                   # As before = point
        self.speed = speed
        self.start = point                 # Our starting position

    # ...                                  # Other definitions will be here

We’re now ready to write the captured method.

class Ghost(Movable):              # This should already be in your program
    # ...                          # Other definitions will be here

    def captured(self, chomp): = self.start             # Return to our original place...
        self.color = self.original_color    #... and color
        self.time_left = 0                  # We're not scared
        self.redraw()                       # Update screen

The basic Chomp game is now finished!

Chomp illustration 6

Try it out and see if you can find any problems with it.

Further improvements

We’ve got a working game, but there are improvements which can be made to it.

  • Make Chomp look nicer.

  • Make the Ghosts look nicer.

  • Keep track of the score.

  • Keep the time left for the level.

  • Allow Chomp 3 lives.

  • Do something more interesting when Chomp wins or loses.

  • Add more levels.

  • Make the Ghosts smarter.