Rock, Paper, Scissors
Rock, paper, scissors, also know as roshambo, is a simple child's game that is
frequently used to settle disputes. In the game, a rock breaks the scissors,
the scissors cut the paper, and the paper covers the rock. Each option is
equally likely to prevail over another. If the players choose the same object
a draw is declared and the game is repeated until someone prevails.
For more information than you ever thought it was possible to collect about
rock, paper, scissors, check out the Web page of the
World RPS Society.
In this computerized version the human player competes against the computer
which chooses a rock, paper, or scissors randomly. The game proceeds until the
human player quits the game or until a predetermined score is reached
(e.g., 11 pts.) at which time the final tally is displayed. Solutions with
fewer numbers of if statements are considered more elegant.
The human player enters the number of points required for a win. During the
play of the game the human player selects whether to play a rock, paper, or
scissors by using the keyboard. The human player may also end the game by
pressing the Control-D sequence at any time. (Ending the game early does not
allow a winner to be determined if the human player is ahead.)
The program will display the winner of each roshambo round along with the
running score. At the conclusion of the game, the computer will display the
overall winner and the final score.
Sample session
Welcome to Rock, Paper, Scissors!
How many points are required for a win? 3
Choose (R)ock, (P)aper, or (S)cissors? r
Human: rock Computer: paper Computer wins!
Score: Human 0 Computer 1
Choose (R)ock, (P)aper, or (S)cissors? r
Human: rock Computer: scissors Human wins!
Score: Human 1 Computer 1
Choose (R)ock, (P)aper, or (S)cissors? p
Human: paper Computer: paper A draw
Score: Human 1 Computer 1
Choose (R)ock, (P)aper, or (S)cissors? s
Human: scissors Computer: paper Human wins!
Score: Human 2 Computer 1
Choose (R)ock, (P)aper, or (S)cissors? r
Human: rock Computer: scissors Human wins!
Final Score: Human 3 Computer 1
Going further
- Ask the user for his or her name and use the name while the game is
- Display randomly chosen taunts when the computer wins.
- Consult the World RPS Society Web page and try to program the computer to
use some strategy.