" .vimrc " " Created by Jeff Elkner 23 January 2006 " Last modified 6 September 2023 " Works on Ubuntu GNU/Linux 22.04 and Debian 12 (Bookworm) " " Turn on syntax highlighting and autoindenting syntax enable filetype indent on " set autoindent width to 4 spaces (see " http://www.vim.org/tips/tip.php?tip_id=83) set et set sw=4 set smarttab set background=dark " Bind key to run python3 map :w\|!python3 % " Bind key to run doctests in a python3 module map :w\|!python3 -m doctest % " Bind key to run doctests with verbose output map :w\|!python3 -m doctest -v % " Bind key to run pycodestyle Python style checker map :w\|!pycodestyle % " turn on print options for line numbering in pdf " " NOTE: insert ^L in the document for page break " set printoptions=syntax:y,number:y,wrap:y,formfeed:y map :hardcopy > code.ps