Commenting your code
Commenting your programs is an important step to ensuring that your code is
easy to read and maintain. Here are some guidelines to commenting your code in
this class.
Program header
Use a documentation string at the top of your code to identify yourself and
provide other details about the assignment. The following is a good model to
Author: Guido van Rossum <>,
Donald Knuth <>,
Linus Torvalds <>
Program: Pig Latin Translator
Class: Introduction to Computer Programming
Instructor: Mr. Wilson
Date: Oct. 29, 2001
Description: This program implements a simple English to Pig
Latin translator.
Contributions: Guido - basic user interface,
invented Python programming language
Don - designed initial translate function
Linus - added code to handle punctuation and
capital letters
Program comments
The definitive guide to commenting your code is the
Python Style Guide by Python's inventor Guido van Rossum. Please follow his