Chapter 18 Exercise Set 0: Chapter ReviewΒΆ
Using what you did in Chapter 17 Exercise Set 0: Chapter Review as a model, set up automated unit tests for stacks, including a
, asrc
, andtest_stacks.cpp
files.Add the following tests to
:TEST_CASE("Test basic stack operations on stack of ints") { Stack<int> stack; stack.push(9); CHECK( == 9); stack.push(11); CHECK( == 11); stack.push(42); CHECK( == 42); CHECK(stack.pop() == 42); CHECK( == 11); CHECK(stack.empty() == false); stack.pop(); CHECK(stack.pop() == 9); CHECK(stack.empty() == true); }
Add the following tests to
:TEST_CASE("Test basic stack operations on stack of strings") { Stack<string> stack; stack.push("cheese"); CHECK( == "cheese"); stack.push("anchovies"); CHECK( == "anchovies"); stack.push("onions"); CHECK( == "onions"); CHECK(stack.pop() == "onions"); CHECK( == "anchovies"); CHECK(stack.empty() == false); stack.pop(); CHECK(stack.pop() == "cheese"); CHECK(stack.empty() == true); }
Write your own tests for a stack of user defined objects (
perhaps?).Run your test suite with all three implementations of the Stack ADT that were introduced in the chapter.
Investigate the stack in the C++ standard library. How is this implementation different from the NIST ADT for stack? How is it like it? What changes would need to be made to our doctests above to make them work with this version of stack?