Creating your own WWW pages here at Gallaudet

Kevin Cole
Gallaudet Research Institute
Copyright © December 14, 1994

(Brief note: If at all possible, view this document thru Netscape, Mosaic or some other graphic browser. Lynx and other text-only browsers will make a mess of the boldfacing and italics. However, if you don't have anything better to read it with, be aware that any words which appear as _word_ -- preceded and follwed with an underscore, are probably boldfaced, and represent something you should be typing exactly as shown MINUS the underscores.)

So, you want your words read, 'round the world... It's easy. Easier than you might expect. This is a brief intro explaining what you need to do, to get started. I strongly suggest you look at the other documents in the tutorial in order to learn how to fancy-up your documents, but in order to create the most simple, basic document, just follow the directions given here:

  1. Get a unix account on GALLUX. At the moment, Gallaudet only sends pages out from GALLUX, not GALLUA or GALLUK (our VMS machines).
  2. Connect to GALLUX and login.
  3. At the prompt, type mkdir web. Type it all in lower case. This creates the subdirectory where all of your documents go.
  4. Change directory to the web directory -- cd web.
  5. Create a file with a name that ends .html. The command is: pico filename.html.
  6. You are now in the editor. At the very start of the file, put in a line that reads <pre>.
  7. Type whatever you would like in the next several lines.
  8. Finish with a line which reads </pre>. Note: The last line contains a slash that the first did not.
  9. Type Control-X to exit, and "y" to save the file. Type ENTER (a.k.a. RETURN) when asked if you want to call the file filename.html.
  10. Pat yourself on the back. You've just published world-wide, via the Internet.
  11. Repeat steps 5 thru 9 for each document you wish to create.
  12. Type exit or logoff to get off GALLUX.
A quick summary of what it should look like:

	login: kjcole
	Password: whatever
	gallux> mkdir web
	gallux> cd web
	gallux> pico stuff.html
	Bla bla bla
	More bla bla
	Still more bla bla
	And let me say in conclusion, bla.
	(just a return here)
	gallux> exit

To let others know about the files you've created, tell them to reference the document with the Uniform Resource Locator (URL):

substituting your username for username above and whatever filename you chose for filename.

There are a few additional notes:

If you have Netscape 1.1 or later, and want a bit more info on HTML click here. (If you don't have Netscape or a browser that is capable of viewing tables, you may still get something from the tutorial, but the tables will look like crap.

Click here (or type "c" if using Lynx) to send me a comment about this document.