Chapter 17 Exercise Set 1: TemplatesΒΆ

Since templated objects can not be instantiated without giving them a concrete data type, we will put the logic of our generic linked list in a header file instead of a .cpp file. Set up the following files in a new subdirectory named ListTemplate



build/%.o: src/%.cpp
	@mkdir -p build
	@$(CC) -MM -MT $@ $< > build/$*.d
	$(CC) -c -o $@ $< -std=$(STD)

build/test_lists: build/test_lists.o
	$(CC) -o $@ $^ -std=$(STD)

-include build/*.d

.PHONY: test clean

test: build/test_lists

	rm -rf build


#include <doctest.h>
#include <string>
#include "LinkedList.h"
using namespace std;

TEST_CASE("Test basic list of strings operations") {
    LinkedList<string> toppings;
    CHECK(toppings.to_string() == "cheese");
    CHECK(toppings.to_string() == "anchovies, cheese");
    CHECK(toppings.to_string() == "onions, anchovies, cheese");
    CHECK(toppings.remove_from_front() == "onions");
    CHECK(toppings.to_string() == "anchovies, cheese");


#include <string>
using namespace std;

template <class T>
struct Node
    T cargo;
    Node<T>* next;

    Node(T cargo, Node<T>* next)
        this->cargo = cargo;
        this->next = next;

    string to_string() const
        return string(cargo);

template <class T>
class LinkedList
    int num_nodes;
    Node<T>* head;

    LinkedList() {
        num_nodes = 0;
        head = nullptr;

    void insert_at_front(T cargo) {
        Node<T>* front = new Node<T>(cargo, head);
        head = front;

    T remove_from_front() {
        if (head == nullptr)
            throw runtime_error("Can't remove from and empty list!");
        T cargo = head->cargo;
        Node<T>* front = head;
        head = head->next;
        delete front;
        return cargo;

    string to_string() const
        Node<T>* node = head;
        string s = "";
        while (node != nullptr) {
            s += node->to_string();
            node = node->next;
            if (node != nullptr)
                s += ", ";
        return s;


$ make test

and confirm that the tests pass.

  1. Using test-driven development, implement each of the following member functions in your LinkedList class:

    • int size() that returns the number of items in the list.

    • T get_item(int pos) that returns the cargo of the item at position pos in the list (counting from 1).

    • void insert_item(T cargo, int pos) that adds a new node to the list with cargo after the node at position pos.

    • T remove_item(int pos) that removes the node from the list at position pos (counting from 1), returning its cargo.

  2. Using test-driven development, create an OrderedList class that implements the ordered linked list data structure.

  3. Using test-driven development, create an DoublyLinkedList class that implements the doubly linked list data structure.

  4. Using test-driven development, create an CircularList class that implements the circular list data structure.