Getting Down with ...

by ...

Lesson n:

There are a number of fine places on the web to go to get more information about Unix shell. The following annotated list contains a few of the better ones:

Linux/Unix Tutorial for Beginners: Learn Online in 7 days
The newest entry on the list, this media rich introduction to Linux/Unix provides a great self-paced, broad introduction.
Unix Tutorial for Beginners
This is an excellent introductory Unix tutorial that starts and the very beginning but continues on to more advanced Unix commands. Graciously brought to us from across the pond at the University of Surrey.
UNIX Tutorial
Another fine introductory Unix tutorial from Kevin Heard, Director of Computing & Information Services at UC Berkeley School of Information.
Ryans Tutorials: Linux Tutorial
All of the topics from this tutorial discussed in greater depth.
The Beginner’s Guide to Nano, the Linux Command-Line Text Editor
A nice introduction to the nano text editor that expands upon the brief introduction from lesson 3.
Vim Cheatsheet
A one web page summary of the major vi/vim commands.
An Extremely Quick and Simple Introduction to the Vi Text Editor
This is just what the title says it is.


Visit several of the resources above and make notes about which ones you think would be most helpful to you as you continue to improve your mastery of the Unix CLI.